What you get
- Downloadable PDFs study scores (transposed) for all 8 piece recorded on The Thompson Fields
- Streamed video of Maria discussing the writing of each piece
- Streamed video with many of the soloists on The Thompson Fields
- Alternate mixes of many of the pieces (leaving out drums) to better hear horns
- Videos of "A Potter's Song" and "The Thompson Fields"
- All content from individual study scores is available in this bundled offer
About This Offer
This offer bundles all 8 individual study score offers for The Thompson Fields. Titles are: "Walking by Flashlight," "The Monarch and the Milkweed," "Arbiters of Evolution," "The Thompson Fields," "Home," "Nimbus," "A Potter's Song," and "Lembrança." With this offer, not only do you get the scores, but we've included all of the additional content that you'd get with each single score, but at a reduced price.
Some of that content includes: 8 streamed videos where Maria gives insight into the conception of each piece, alternate downloadable MP3s of mixes without the drums to help you better hear the horn parts, a special mix that specifically highlights the Brazilian percussion and drums on "Lembrança." There are many interviews with the soloists giving their insights from the player perspective. You'll even get access to video of a couple of premieres that will illuminate how much this music can morph over time. "A Potter's Song" especially, went through a major rewrite as you will hear. Hopefully all of these tools and more will bring you lots of enjoyment.
See full selection of Study Scores (individual, or by album).